Anxiety: How I Deal With Anxiety!

By Sobrfit3
Written By:  Cathy Shuba
"Happy Saturday!"
Today, I have been feeling anxious.  Today, I do not want to feel anxious!  Today, I am anxious!  There are a lot of things going on in my life right now that I truly have no control makes me feel anxious!  There are somethings I can change and other things I can not...this makes me feel anxious!  I am anxious!
There is no word in the dictionary that is going to change how I feel at this moment...I am anxious!  How do I deal with it?  Should I start taking it out on every person I see?  Should I start manipulating situations to gain control over someone or something?  Should I cause chaos, panic and drama to mask how I am really feeling inside?  Should I be short, crabby and down right mean to others just because I am feeling anxious?  Should I say..."Hell, with you all!"...and continue to have that negative, ugly, sulking, 5 year old attitude?
HALT!...Hungry?, Angry?, Lonely?, Tired?...Hmmmmmmmm!  All of thee above!  I will HALT!  I will not do one thing I had mentioned above.  I will be true to my recovery, myself and everyone else around me...I will HALT!  I will run!  I will write!  I will call a friend, my sponsor or go to a meeting.  I will deal with me and nothing other than that!  I will feel those anxious feelings and then, thank God I can feel them today, name what that feeling is and mostly deal with it without drugs or alcohol!  I will do what I can do and be proud that I did.  That I tried!  That I have dealt with my anxiety in a positive way and negative.  I have choices today and I know what to do.  I have my sobriety and that is all I need to deal with any challenges that come my way.  I have a God of my understanding and that will never be taken from me.  I have tools today to fight those anxious feelings.  Too feel those anxious feelings.  I can deal with my anxious feelings!
Suddenly, I am at peace.  Suddenly, I can see clearly now without fear, without the need to control or without panic.  Suddenly, I am allowing God to remove this anxiety without me taking it back.  Suddenly, my recovery today is not filled with anxiety.  I am no longer anxious!
Do you at times feel anxious?  If so, how do you deal with it?  Today, I will run with no anxious feelings in my body today.  I will enjoy my run with God!

Sobriety Fitness by Cathy Shuba is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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