If it's October, it must be time for American Horror Story. I loved the first season, thought the second season was cliche, and the third season made my jaw drop at so many dramatic moments. Shortly after Stevie Nicks showed up, I found it unwatchable. Now its time for the Freak Show.
Last night's episode had such cool moments and relied on stunning visuals more than storyline. The opening credits were perhaps the most visually fantastic yet. Much of it was what you would expect from a group of estranged carnies living in a freak show. "Don't call us FREAKs ARRRGHHHH!!!".
Perhaps most noteworthy is the two-headed woman, sisters living in one body, who have differing personalities that compete with each other. You can see the inevitable jealousy filled love triangle developing with genetically equipped Lobster Boy.
James Dean. Rebel with Lobster Hands. And I know how to use them
"No, he's winking at me!"
Never found clowns scary, but this AHS clown was certainly the creepiest thing yet in a show that relied on the creepy factor. He had a certain leatherface appeal. Elsa singing "Life on Mars" was perhaps the most human, accessible moment by a character who knows how to bleed with fragility under the shell of strength.I'm in for the next episode. You know its gonna get stranger, so let's get on with the show.
But, you don't have to wait for next Wednesday. You can read all about a DARK CARNIVAL, coming soon for free! (With a story inside by me and tons of other fantastic writers) Pen and Muse Press is putting out their Dark Carnival anthology this month, and it will be available soon.
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