Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest: STRAY Is Shopping For Shoes

By Xmarkm @matthews_mark

STRAY is being polished off and getting ready for Amazon's BreakThrough Novel Contest in February. The contest is open to self-published titles and is a yearly rite of passage for some of us it seems.
STRAY goes to the award ceremony every year, never expecting to win, but it's an honor just to be nominated (make it into the later rounds)
It also gets a new cover every few months. It's the blessing and curse of self-publishing. Here's the latest. 


Amazon has a cool function that allows you to see which passages others are highlighting on their kindles. Here's one that made it:

A Social Worker develops programs to help feed the poor, and makes sure there's a chicken in every pot. A Counselor asks them how they feel about getting the chicken. And a Therapist diagnoses and treats them when they start hearing voices from the chicken telling them to cut their wrists. 
It really is a sweet story and of all my novels still my family's favorite. STRAY on Amazon