A Maybelline Family Valentine, the Dick and Ann Williams Love Story

By Sharriewilliams

Painted by Maria Pace Wynter.

Quote from ‘The Little Prince’:  “A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."  by author of The Little Prince,  Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Little Dick Williams parents, Noel J. and Frances Williams were quite surprised when Frances announced she was expecting at 42 years of age.  They were happy of course when their angel arrived and gave him everything a little Prince might expect.

Dick with his cousins, June and Marilyn Haines.

He was so adorable, that all his little girl cousins fawned over him and  soon he realized he'd been born with a gift for charming the ladies.  Dick's parents were painfully aware of how special their boy was, and though strict by nature, were incapable of saying no to anything his heart desired.  When Dick discovered his love for wheels, (like most of the boy's in the Williams family,) he received a real motorcycle for his 16th Birthday, and our - James Dean - with movie star good looks was born. 

At 17, Dick was known for his Peter Lawford, charisma, style and cocky wit and was used to getting what ever he wanted, when he wanted it..... But, our Little Prince met his match when he fell in love with the most popular girl in school.  Beautiful, talented, flamboyant, Ann Flynn. 

Like all storybook Romances go, Our Prince and Princess, Dick and Ann Williams, were married in 1955 and lived happily ever after. But that's another story.

Dick Williams was surely born with it, and yes, it was Maybelline!!!!

Stay tuned for more Valentine's Day stories from The Maybelline Family Diaries