A Complete Guide to Skin Cancer Cure

By Rojer @healthxwellness

The sooner a skin cancer is identified and treated, the better your chance of avoiding surgery or, in the case of a serious melanoma or other skin cancer, potential disfigurement or even death.

Skin is divided into dermis and epidermis layers. Dermis is the lower while the epidermis is the upper layer of the skin. There are fats, muscles and tendons below the dermis layer.

Basal cells

They are present in the bottom layer of the skin.


They are above the basal layer and forma wax like substance, keratin. The top layer of epidermis is made of dead keratinocytes which have keratin. This top layer is constantly replaced by the new cells.


They are present at the bottom of the epidermis. When the skin is exposed to the sun, then they produce a pigment named melanin. This pigment protects the skin from the effects of the sun rays. Melanin causes the skin to tan in fair-skinned people. Dark-skinned people have more active melanocytes.

What is a skin cancer?

Body cells undergo constant birth, multiplication and death. In cancer cases the cells of the body start multiplying abnormally. There is variety of cancer associated with different parts of the body and hence they are named according to that organ. For example skin cell cancer is known as skin cancer while the liver organ cancer is termed as liver cancer.

Melanoma (malignant melanoma)

This type of skin cancer develops from melanocytes.


These are about 20 times more common than melanomas. These are divided into:

  • Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) – skin cancer which develops from basal cells.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) – skin cancer which develops from keratinocytes.
  • Other – other types of skin cancer, which are rare.

What is a malignant tumor?

When a cancerous cell multiplies dangerously without stopping such that the cancer spreads itself to other body parts, it is said to be metalized and called as the malignant tumor. Melanoma skin cancer has a high risk of spread.

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)

It usually occurs with fair skinned people or older people. The sun exposed areas of the body get easily hit by this. For example head and neck though they can affect any area of the body. The first sign is often a small red, pink or pearly lump which appears on previously normal skin. The lump is often dome-shaped.


BCC does not spread to other parts of the body though they can grow locally. For example in case of the facial cancer the BCC can spread to the nasal part or ear. They grow very slowly and it takes many months before it grows to a centimeter or more.

Squamous cell carcinoma

It also occurs to the fair skin people or the older people above the age of 75 years. It usually occurs on the facial part near the ear or lips. It initiates as the pink patch of the skin and slowly becomes the wart like with bleeding from time to time.


It can destroy the nose or ear completely if it is left untreated. It can also metalize to the other parts of the body.

Melanoma (malignant melanoma)

This is the most dangerous form of skin cancer thankfully not very common. It looks like a mole initially and is black in color.it differs from a mole in color, size, symmetry and order. It initiates as a small dark patch on the skin. As a melanoma grows in the skin it may itch, bleed, crust or ulcerate.

What is the cause of skin cancer?

Skin cancers are mostly nen-melanomic and are cause mainly due to the overexposure of the sun. It is the ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the sunshine which does the damage.

Guide to Skin Cancer Cure

What are the treatments for the skin cancer?


Their cure rate is 95%. It becomes more difficult to treat them when they become larger. Surgery and localized treatments are used for their removal.


An early treatment in the form of an operation is urgently needed to cure these types of cancers. Treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy or immunotherapy may be used for melanomas which have spread.

What are the symptoms of the skin cancer?

Look for any growth or change on the skin. Also look for any change in the size or the color of the already existing moles on the skin.

How can I prevent skin cancer?

The best precaution can be to stay indoors and never go out in the sun. Even if you need to bask out the in the sun then it is advised to use the sun screen lotion on your skin to prevent it from any damage.