6 Day Firm & Tight Booty and Legs Challenge ( Day 1-3 )

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Jun 9, 2014 by Tatianna

Hello my Lovies,

I have an amazing 6 day Challenge for Booty & Legs! It’s going to be in 2 parts. Today, I’m posting the video for day 1-3, and on Wednesday, I will post day 4-6. I have tested this challenge on my self, as I do with all of my routines and I can tell you with confidence, you are going to LOVE the results!

In this challenge we are going to shift away from all usual “ fitness rules “ and break them, that’s why it’s a challenge.

You will be pretty much training your lower body for 6 days straight, some days more harder than others, but from my personal experience the 2nd and 3rd day were the hardest physically. Fourth day and somewhat 5th day, was more challenging mentally, 6th day I was so eager to completed that I actually couldn’t wait to start the workout on that day.

After you do this challenge, you will take 3 days off from lower body training. Throughout this challenge, since we are mainly going to train Lower Body, I suggest you do mini workouts for your upper body ( I actually did 6 day Push-up Challenge right before I started this one, so I didn’t do any upper body for the first 3 days of it )

Now, let’s get to it!