5 Menopause Symptoms CBD Could Help

Posted on the 17 May 2019 by Lynettesheppard @LynetteSheppard

Metamorphosis © lynette sheppard

My mother has suffered from severe osteoarthritis. It recently became resistant to standard drug therapy and she lost mobility to the point of being unable to get out of bed. She had heard about CBD cream in the treatment of joint pain and asked me to get some for her. I am happy to report that she is now able to walk, go to the store and beauty parlor, and enjoy life again.  This guest post by Areyo Dadar illuminates at least five ways CBD can help with the menopause transition.

5 Menopause Symptoms CBD Could Help

by Areyo Dadar

CBD is known for its pain relieving properties and for its use in fighting anxiety, however there are many more conditions that can be treated with CBD, including the symptoms of menopause. Unfortunately, most women only start managing menopause once the effects become unpleasant; which of course isn’t the only way to go about it.
CBD is now being used throughout the health sector to treat all manner of ailments – and that includes some of the most common side effects of menopause. Let’s see what exactly you can get up to with CBD:

1.  Treatment for Aches & Joint Pain

Post-menopausal women often experience pain in the joints as the body stops producing estrogen. This results in a higher number of inflammatory cells. This is why pain and aches are common past 40. CBD can help by firing up cell regeneration, numbing pain, and reducing levels of inflammation. Another way you can fight inflammation and joint pain is by eating foods that have high antioxidant activity, performing low-impact exercises, and being otherwise mindful of your diet.

2.  Genitourinary Syndrome (Vaginal Dryness, Atrophy & Bladder Control)

Bladder control becomes an important area of sexual health after menopause.This happens because the lower estrogen levels affect the amount of blood reaching the pelvic region. This lower blood flow in turn affects the tissues in the surrounding organs, including elasticity of the urinary tract. Women can improve bladder control by paying more attention to their pelvis section and doing things like yoga to improve blood circulation. CBD oil can be massaged into the pelvic region and because they are extremely powerful vasodilators, they help by improving blood flow. Topical CBD is also great for reducing inflammation and vaginal dryness, and it can be bought in the form of lubes and ointments.

3.  Sleep Disturbances

If you find it a challenge to sleep through the night, either due to anxiety or some other condition, then CBD can help by relaxing the body and mind to allow rest, and also by balancing hormones such as melatonin and others that are responsible for managing sleep. Menopause causes sleeplessness for a number of reasons: anxiety, depression, or night sweats. All three can be targeted with CBD – but talk to your doctor if one or more of these three conditions are severe. Due to CBD’s influence on neurochemistry, it can be used effectively against insomnia and night sweats.

4.  Mood Swings & Depression

Changing hormones also cause a strange pattern of mood swings which on the outside, doesn’t seem to have a trigger. Having low estrogen levels means that neurotransmitters like serotonin become more erratic and may sometimes plummet, leaving a person’s neurochemistry changed forever. CBD can stop this process by creating a harmonious balance of neurotransmitters that fall under the CB1 and CB2 receptors, which include serotonin and other natural mood adjusters. The fall in estrogen would then have less impact on mood, and a cheerful person can keep their neurochemistry, or personality, if you like.

5.  Memory Loss

Memory loss is one of the most common symptoms of aging, but medical research suggests that memory loss can be delayed in the majority of people, if certain nutrients are made available in the earlier years. CBD contains antioxidants that are able to reverse many of the effects of cell degradation and the loss of proper functioning in the hippocampus. When estrogen levels are restored or improved, the cells in the hippocampus are renewed and things like memory, learning, and emotion function better. CBD is believed to facilitate synaptic plasticity and neuroprotection, meaning it keeps the brain younger for longer.

If this is your first time hearing about CBD, then the resources at CBDCentral.com would be a good place to start to learn what it is, how it works, and the research supporting its use. It’s also worth mentioning that quality CBD comes from reputable dealers; so watch out for scammers online. CBD can be consumed in many ways so you might want to try delivery methods such as vaping devices, oils, or drinks to see what works best for you.