30 Minute Walks Can Improve Memory by 15%!

By Adityasam @foralitelife
There is almost certainly nothing those squirmy reporters miss when it comes to infotainment! Contrastingly science, which has a powerful weapon in its arsenal, 'research study', is using it to an extent certainly crossing human comprehension. Lets take this title for instance, how would it be to say a 30-minute walk can boost your memory, let alone 15%? Or maybe, I'm playing second fiddle to the way scientists use their so called 'research studies'. Hush, lets get down to the point!
I haven't been that ruthless in manipulating a  confirmation by a research study. I played it safe by adding 'walks' so what the latest research says is that a 30-minute walk/day or 150 minutes of walking every week substantially improves the amount of blood flowing to your brain.
Subsequently, again as research points out, the blood flows more to the frontal cortex of the brain, which is the primary center for thinking, memory and activities requiring intelligence.
Add to that, Walking should be done regularly and 30 minutes is not such a big ask either! Experts point out that with the word 'regular', they at least mean for a month or two. So probably after that, you may need no stimulus to get you down to walking, you'll get habituated and walking will certainly be a big player in your lifestyle. Also add to that, the increase in percent, 15% is massive, that is about 1/6th of what you have right now, so that should keep you motivated in any case.
As far as I know, It is one of the best exercises for middle aged and old people, as it brings down blood sugar substantially, lowers BP, brings down cholesterol content in blood and has several advantages added to this memory thing.
So at least now, it's pretty clear that just one 30-minute walk will certainly not boost your memory by an enormous 15%. Remember, there is never an easy or quick solution to anything, even if there is one, it usually pans out negatively. Summarizing it, 30-minute walks per day for 2 or more months will boost your memory by 15%. End of story.