This year, former Mets Rusty Staub and "Super" Joe McEwing are on the ballot, and are joined by Yankee Hall of Fame pitcher Whitey Ford, former Dodgers owner Peter O'Malley, Dead Ball era stars Roger Bresnahan and "Big Ed" Delahanty, World Series-winning managers Joe McCarthy and Jack McKeon, two-time NL MVP Dale Murphy, White Sox owner Charles Comiskey, baseball writers Bill Madden and Dan Shaughnessy (neither of whom would get my vote if I had one), writers Doris Kearns Goodwin and Hal McCoy, and actors Jimmy Fallon and Charlie Sheen.
The Irish American Baseball Hall of Fame is located inside Foley's NY Pub and Restaurant, which is located at 18 West 33rd Street, right across the street from the Empire State Building.
The class of 2013 will be announced by Foley's later this spring.