15 Nutrition “Rules” To Boost Energy and Improve Performance

By Pamela Brown

There is so much nutrition advice on the internet.  You have your self-proclaimed nutrition experts, thousands of weight loss miracle pills, and tons of weight loss programs.  But as a woman experiencing premenopause symptoms, these programs may not meet your special needs (i.e., nutrition for hormone balance, boost energy, feel well again, enough sleep).

While there are fad diets galore, and several nutrition programs that work (but may not be the best for you), there are nutrition basics that you can always use and become successful at three things:

  • managing your weight
  • improving work and life performance
  • increasing energy to thrive

Now, these secrets may not be cutting edge; but they are the bare basics that work, if you practice them.  And as a woman whose body is changing, you want to feed the body what it needs so that you don’t experience uncomfortable premenopausal symptoms.

15 Nutrition “Rules” To Boost Energy and Improve Performance

  1. Quick-fixes don’t serve you well in the long-term.  Instant gratification provides short-term results and happiness.  If you want to feel and remain successful, refrain from fad diets, weight loss suppressants, or other miracle weight loss product.  If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.
  2. Eat a fruit and vegetable with each meal.  Make it easy on yourself; there are no bad fruits or vegetables.  There are some that’s consider “green light” or “yellow light” foods, but they are good for you.  Organic is best, but if that’s not feasible, eat non-organic ones.  And to ensure health, use a vinegar and water rinse to wash away any pesticides that may be on non-organic fruits and vegetables.
  3. Eat only when you are relaxed.  When you eat on the run, or hurried, your metabolism and digestion is dead.  Before you eat, create a relaxing atmosphere.  Turn on soft music.  Turn off the television and silence your cell.  Only engage in relaxing thoughts and conversation.  And take a few deep breaths and center yourself.  Your metabolism and digestion works best when you’re relaxed.
  4. Eat slowly.  Eating slowly is another part of the relaxation equation (#3).  When you are relaxed, you tend to eat slower.  Eating slowly allows your brain to take part in the metabolism and digestion process.  With your brain being 40%-60% of metabolism and digestion, it’s essential that you eat slowly, or your brain will always think you’re hungry,
  5. Eat breakfast, daily.  Skipping meals slow down metabolism in the long haul.  And, breakfast is the time of day where you can have your carb-based foods, such as whole-grain waffles, muffins, and toast.  Add with healthy protein-fat foods, such as eggs or yogurt, and you can have a nice, delicious breakfast.  And don’t forget about the energy you get to start your day off right.
  6. Focus on quality versus quantity.  There is still debate over this, but cutting calories to lose weight actually lowers your metabolism over time.  Instead, focusing on choosing more nutrient-dense foods such as dark-colored fruits and vegetables, lean proteins (round or loin pork and beef), and healthy fats (i.e, greek yogurt, eggs, avocados, nuts and seeds) will give you more bang for your buck and lower your chances of overeating.
  7. Eat more nutrient dense foods.  Continuing from #6, eating more nutrient dense foods allows your body to get what it needs.  This prevents hunger signals sent from the brain because it thinks you’re starving and malnourished.
  8. Include protein with each meal and snack.  Protein keeps you feeling full longer, provides essential nutrients for muscle repair and function, and when eaten frequently, provides your body with what it needs for optimal function regularly.  Make sure you especially add in to your breakfast, which gives you what you need after a 7-9 hour fast.
  9. Drink 2 cups of water before each meal.  Need a strategy to prevent overeating?  Drink 2 cups of water before you eat; it helps fill you up.  Therefore, you eat less and lose weight over time.
  10. Carbs really are your friend.  Carbs are good; carbs are bad.  Which one is it?  Honestly, you need both.  To make it easier, think of carbs in terms of fiber content.  The more fiber a carb has, the better quality it is.  Look for whole grain foods (quinoa, barley, brown rice)-work up gradually to 25 grams per day.  But, in moderation, it’s okay to have the white stuff.  Just don’t go crazy with it
  11. Plan, plan, plan.  What’s the menu for the week?  How are you going to cook healthy meals on your busy days?  Do you have all the ingredients you need?  Do you have a healthy “plan B” if you’re not able to cook?  If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  Find time to plan, and plan often.  Your chances of being healthy, as well as having a healthy family, increases three-fold.
  12. Eat frequently.  Your lifestyle may not allow you to eat 4-6 times a day; so eat in a way that fits your schedule, whether it’s several small meals, or three big meals that are well structured and healthy.  But, try not to go longer than 3 hours without eating a small meal or snack.
  13. When in doubt, use MyPlate.  Visit myplate.gov for more information.  Half your plate should be fruits and fibrous vegetables (usually the dark-colored ones), 1/4 whole-grains, 1/4 lean protein.
  14. You may as well just eat and drink regular sugar.  Artificial sugar is not the healthier substitute it’s made out to be.  It’s okay to use sugar, and enjoy the occasional coke, but emphasis is placed on occasional.
  15. Learn to listen to your body.  Sometimes when I’m tired, or even when I am recovering from sickness, I feel my body telling me it want fruit.  I do know that when I have migraines, it’s sometimes the body’s way of telling me I’m eating too much grain and meat and not enough fruits and veggies.  Learn to listen to the messages your body is giving you, and you can never go wrong.

You can do it, if you make it as easy as possible for yourself!

Easy-to-follow tips always make healthy living more enjoyable and possible.  Follow the basics, and you will always manage your weight, have top-notch performance, and energy for days.

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Pamela Brown

Personal Fitness and Wellness Coach