143: How to Use Numbers in Mandarin Chinese

By Learnmandarinnow

Numbers are a vitally important part of everyday life; for counting money, knowing how much things are in the shops or getting someone’s phone number. Often there are many ways to express numbers depending on the context so it’s essential to know how to use them properly.

In this Podcast, you will learn:

(i) How to talk about the various common usages of numbers

(ii) To respond when someone asks about a new phone number or amount


Some everyday examples of using numbers in our conversations:


(zài jiē shàng)

(on the street)

  1. Male
  2. Female


Wǒ huàn diàn huà le. Xīn hào mǎ shì yī bā liù èr sān sì wǔ liù qī jiǔ líng.

I changed my phone number. The new number is one eight six, two three four five, six seven nine zero.


Hǎo. Nà nǐ gěi wǒ dǎ yī gè ba.

Okay, give me a call then.


Jīn tiān lǐ bài jǐ?

What day is it today?


Jīn tiān lǐ bài èr a.

Today is Tuesday.


Ò, nà xiǎo lì de shēng rì shì lǐ bài sì me?

Oh, Xiao Li’s birthday is Thursday, right?





Nǐ de shēng rì shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào?

When is your birthday?


Wǒ de shēng rì shì shí yuè qī hào.

My birthday is October 7th.


Zhè tiáo qún zi nǐ mǎi de duō shǎo qián?

How much did you buy this dress for?


Yī bǎi èr shí wǔ kuài.

One hundred and twenty-five Yuan.

Chinese words and phrases mentioned in this Podcast:

换电话:change (phone) number

新号码:new number

给我打一个:give me a call

礼拜几:What day is it today?







一百;one hundred


Cultural/Grammar note:

When you talk about telephone numbers, ‘one’ is usually pronounced as ‘yāo’ in Chinese.

When we say ‘我换电话了’, it does not always mean ‘I have bought a new phone’. In spoken Chinese, we mean ‘I have changed my phone number’ by saying ‘我换电话了’.

In Chinese, there are different ways of expressing the seven days in a week. We can say both ‘星期’ or ‘礼拜’. For example, ‘星期一’ or ‘礼拜一’ for Monday, ‘星期二’ or ‘礼拜二’ for Tuesday, etc.

Mandarin Chinese learning resources we recommend:

Using Italki, a unique system of learning Mandarin Chinese where you interact with real teachers, is widely recognised as an effective way to learn a new language! You’ll make more progress and learn how native Chinese speakers really speak. Plus, Italki is more affordable than offline tutors, offline schools and software, and is convenient to use at your own pace and place!

Keats Chinese School, which was founded in 2004, is one of the top Mandarin Chinese language schools in China, offering both one-on-one immersion Mandarin courses and small group Chinese classes. Located in Kunming, Keats develops personalised exercises and materials for students to meet their learning goals and requirements and can arrange a student visa for its 16 week course.