Zoya Ultra Pixie Dust - Fall 2014

By Alittlepolish @oblassa
Zoya Ultra Pixie Dust - Fall 2014Happy Monday! Today I have the three lovely shades of the Zoya Ultra Pixie Dust for Fall 2014 Collection to share with you!

Zoya Ultra Pixie Dust - Fall 2014

All swatches shown with two coats; no topcoat

Oswin: A true red textured Pixie Dust with crimson mega hex particles.
Zoya Ultra Pixie Dust - Fall 2014
Zoya Ultra Pixie Dust - Fall 2014
Zoya Ultra Pixie Dust - Fall 2014
Arianna: A blue-toned red wine textured Pixie Dust with mega hex particles.

Noir: A deep, vampy plum textured Pixie Dust with red mega hex particles.

As you've probably seen online, Oswin does an amazing job of drying to the matte finish as described; Arianna and Noir but are super lovely shades but didn't dry to the same finish as expected. I have heard (although I can't personally confirm) that polishes from the stores and later batches have been reported to all be drying to the matte finish.
Here's a video from Zoya about how to best apply these Pixie Dust shades: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm5ZTEtYZmI&feature=youtu.be

Overall, these are all really pretty shades that would look gorgeous left in the matte / textured finish as well as topped with a nice coat of topcoat to create a super deep and squishy feel. The colors are perfect for Fall but also awesome to transition into the Holiday season as well.
*Polishes in this post were provided by the manufacturer for my honest review*