#YourGreatness Twitter Chat: How to Collaborate Your Way to Six Figures Transcript

Posted on the 26 April 2014 by Stacie Walker Stacie @staciewalker

 Find out how the awesome power of collaboration can skyrocket your business.  Tweet this Post

Contributing Author: Stacie Walker

Do you know what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the unsuccessful entrepreneurs?

They know and implement the awesome power of collaboration to skyrocket their business.

I hosted a value packed Twitter chat on April 23rd for my most engaged tweeps on Twitter to discuss the topic of collaboration even further.

Collaboration is the very thing that is responsible for the rapid growth of my online business. 

Collaborating with other successful entrepreneurs is the reason new doors of opportunity became available to me.

Collaborating with other entrepreneurs is the reason why I'm now known as an international best selling author.

I have decided to pay it forward and share in this chat how collaborating with other entrepreneurs can help you achieve your business goals.

#YourGreatness Twitter Chat Transcript: How to Collaborate Your Way to Six Figures 

If you weren't able to join this Twitter chat or want to review we discussed, then a transcript will be available for you to view.

[View the story "#YourGreatness Twitter Chat with @staciewalker" on Storify]

What's Next? What Can You Do? 

If you didn't know that I host a Twitter chat on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month, then you are missing out on a fun and interactive discussion. 

What are you waiting for? Come an talk to me:)

How to Join the Discussion

I don't know about you but I love hosting and participating in Twitter chats. Do you want to reach your next level of greatness in your life or business?

Of course you do! So, let's chat about it:)  

My Twitter handle is: @StacieWalker

Use Hash tag: #YourGreatness
Log in: http://twubs.com/YourGreatness

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