Your Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Hairdresser

By Beautyblogger @crowscupcell

Guest post by Barb Quinn, Hairstyle Blog

It’s inevitable that more than once in your life you’ll be in need of a haircut or hair color and have no one trusted to turn to …that can be scary…it’s your hair! Hairdressers move, we move, or maybe the last haircut was horrific and you’re just now getting your sea legs back, ready to get back into the ring!

Sometimes you may need a change simply because you and your hairdresser have gotten into a rut. I’ve had women who swear they want a change of style, but won’t part with having more than 1/2 inch cut to get there. And I know also, once a hairdresser has found a hairstyle that looks great, is easy to do and fits the client’s lifestyle, it’s easy to stay there too long. Sometimes changing hairdressers can bring fresh eyes and a new perspective on the possibilities.

Since the last time I wrote on this subject, technology has worked its magic, and is now giving even more options on solving this all important task. So, here are my most updated tips to help you find a great hairdresser.

Ask Around

Ok, ok cut me some slack…so this one is not new or techy, but it is still at the top of the list. This is the best and quickest way of finding a new hairdresser. Stay alert to the people around you; in the grocery store, at the mall, coworkers; do you see any hairstyles or hair colors you love? Go browsing at high-end fashion stores, their employees tend to lean towards being on the cutting edge of style. When you spot great hair, ask! Don’t be afraid to ask a stranger, who they go to, they’ll love the second-hand compliment. And, if they work or shop in your area, their hairdresser will probably work as well.

Consult, Consult, Consult

This is huge, in a number of ways. While waiting, take note of the overall appearance of the salon; is it clean? Is the staff friendly, or do you feel like you are ruining their day? Is the hairdresser on time? Bring that picture of a hair color or haircut you like. A picture tells a thousand words so you will both be starting on the same page. Listen closely, trust your gut and go with it! That’s the beauty of the consult, your inner wisdom will tell you whether to go or stay.

Social Media

If you are active in social media, Twitter, Facebook, etc., put the question out there. Women, who have a hairdresser or salon they adore, love to spread the word. Depending how connected you are in your area, you may get more responses than you wanted. You’ll probably get just as much information about hairdressers to see, as those not to see…and that’s a good thing, reviews both good and bad are great for information gathering.

Sites with Reviews

Free sites with reviews of salons and hairdressers are turning up more and more all the time. Two years ago we reported the first site of its kind. Some salons and hairdresser will include a portfolio of their work. This is a great way of letting your fingers do the walking and getting up-close and personal without leaving your house. Some sites are better than others and have more listings to choose from, depending where you live. You can find reviews, websites, services, prices, hours, coupons and special salon events. Two free sites I like now are and which, at least in my area, have more listings and reviews of salons and hairdressers than others.

Guest author Barb Quinn has been a professional hair stylist for over 30 years and has established herself as a nationally recognized hair designer, educator, and freelance writer. Barb has been chosen by her peers to serve on the advisory panel of Cosmos C International the global hair stylist network. Thousands of women each day follow Barb’s hair styling wit and wisdom on her highly successful blogsHairstyle Blog and Visual Makeover. In 2011 The Hairstyle Blog was selected as Top Beauty Blog by