Your Tips to Remember Other People's Names

Posted on the 09 June 2011 by Classycareergirl @classycareer
Thank you for all of your tips on how you remember other people's names in this post.  As promised, here are all of your great ideas!
  • Missy makes notes in her phone.
  • MBARoadie repeats names back.
  • Pema remembers names using alliterations. "If I meet someone who seems hyper named Claire, I'll think, "Claire is the crazy one." If I meet someone who seems quiet named Marcus, I'll think, "Marcus is the mellow one." It sounds cheesy, but it works! :)
  • Dawn makes a cheat sheet on the fridge to remember.
  • Margaret looks people up beforehand--seeing a profile picture, or reading their blog etc. really helps cement the name before she even meets them.
  • Bea visualizes someone's name across their forehead when first meeting them- this was actually a trick that Franklin Roosevelt did also!
  • Alice just keeps asking their name if she forgets.  Don't be scared to ask!
  • Missy repeats names after learning them, but her memory is still not all that great!
  • Sivaelectric remembers the names by thinking about the discussion she had with them.
  • Professiongal remembers to repeat their name after they introduce themselves by responding with, "Nice to meet you, [INSERT NAME HERE]. She also adds that having to ask again, though uncomfortable, isn't taken offensively.
  • Ally asks them to spell it so she can visualize the name in her head. Many times common names have different spellings too so that helps her remember.
Thanks all for your encouragement and inspiration.  I promise that I will start using all of your great tips and get better at remembering people's names! :)
(photo credit toprankonlinemarketing)