Welcome to Tuesday's post; Normally I would have a featured artist today, alas I don't, so we will do part 3 of making your Bach Flower Remedies....
Bach Remedy Wild Flower Reference Chart
Uses: One of the Twelve Healers. Can help you if you are jealous and possessive.
Type Of Plant: A white closed-leafed vegetable with small blue flowers
Flowering Time: Late summer
How To Gather: Pick as they appear and flowat in water, as they fade quickly
Which Method: Sun
Uses: For exaggerated anxiety concerning others. Can help you recognize that, usually the worries are unnecessary and unwelcome.
Type Of Plant: Tall tree, slightly smaller than its relative, the white chestnut
Flowering Time: Late Spring
How To Gather: Pick 6 in. long twigs carrying flowrs and young leaves from all parts of many trees
Which Method: Boiling
Caution: Other remedies may need to be taken for causes of these anxieties
Uses: Self-preoccupation
Type Of Plant: Bushy plant, grows on heaths
Flowering Time: Late summer
How To Gather: Pick freshly flowering sprays especially from the heat and edges of the plant
Which Method: Sun
***Caution: Do not confuse with bell heather (erica cinerea)
Uses: For insecurity about your life path and aimlessness leading to dissatisfaction, or if you try to handle too many things at once
Type Of Plant: Wayside plant, 24-60 in. tall, foiund in damp woods and wasteland
Flowering Time: Summer
How To Gather: Pick small clusters of flowers
Which Method: Sun
****Caution: Do not confuse with wild oats (avena fatu). The correct plant looks more like grass than an oat.
Uses: A constituent of the Rescue Remedy. To lessen the effects of shock
Type Of Plant: A close relative of the onion with slender, 8-12 in. stems
Flowering Time: April-May
How To Gather: Pick whole clusters of fully pen flowers from main stems
Which Method: Boiling
Uses: If you have a lack of self-confidence, a fear of failure or a belief you are not as good as others this encourages you to attempt things anyway and get more out of life.
Type Of Plant: Tall coniferous tree growing to heights of around 100 ft.
Flowering Time: Spring
How To Gather: Pick 6 in. twigs carrying leaf buds and male and female flowers (male flowers are catkins about 1/2 in.; female catkins are bright red)
Which Method: Boiling
Uses: To heal constant feelings of unfounded guilt
Type Of Plant: Tall evergreen
Flowering Time: Summer
How To Gather: Pick 6 in. long stems
Which Method: Boiling
Caution: Use with care if skin is sensitive
Uses: A constituent of the Rescue Remedy cream. Can ease feelings impurity in your own appearance or personality. Many who suffer from this ignore real problems to concentrate on one specific thing. Also for self-hatred and a tendency to hold grudges, self-hatred and a tendency to hold grudges.
Type Of Plant: Small, stout tree growing to around to 30 ft.
Flowering Time: Spring
How To Gather: Blossoms in clusters with leaves at the top. Pick the whole spur.
Which Method: Boiling