Your "Drama" is My Reality - Racial Disparity in the U.S.

By Zenparenting1 @ZenParenting1
Guest Post by Tramane
A lot of you will not understand this, but that’s the problem. You don’t understand and you don’t try to.* People of color live in a very different reality than their white counterparts when it comes to law enforcement. The narratives we hear growing up are very different. If you watch or read the same news stories I do, then you should understand why. What I once thought were isolated incidents have somehow become commonplace. The reality is African-Americans are killed at a disproportionately higher rate than others.
I have an irrational** fear of being confronted by police officers and it not ending well for me. This thought runs through my head quite frequently. So much so that I play scenarios in my head of how the aftermath might play out. I have a list of four people who I would want to speak on my behalf or the behalf of my family in the event that I am unable to speak for myself. I wonder what pictures the news or social media will use to share my story. Will anyone even get my side of the story or will the anchor simply say, “A man resisted arrest today and police were forced to shoot him”?
This might sound “dramatic” to some of you but it’s my reality. I’ve seen too many examples that started with a broken tail light and ended with a body bag.
Tramane is a beloved public high school teacher, passionate world traveler, and hopes to one day be a social justice warrior.
He lives his life consciously, learns as much from his students as they learn from him, and immerses himself in all cultures he encounters in effort to gain greater and deeper as a global citizen.
Tramane makes the world just a little better by being himself in it.
*We cannot all understand, but we can acknowledge our privilege and use it to effect change.
**Zen Parenting does not agree with Tramane's assessment that his very real fear is irrational, rather based on awareness.