Young Man Gives Shotgun a Test Run, He Regrets His Decision and Gets Life Lesson as He Pulls the Trigger

By Jen Campbell @TennisLife_Mag

What was meant to be a fun day into the woods for this young boy from Illinois, appeared to be life lesson and a day he will never forget. Any kind of weapon can cause serious damage especially if you are inexperienced and don’t know how to handle a weapon properly.

Let’s just assume it didn’t go according to the plan, this boy learnt the lesson the harder way.

From what is shown on the video, the boy and a friend decided to have some fun in the woods and test out sawed-off shotgun. At the beginning of the video, the shooter asked where to shoot it. Knowing his friend is totally inexperienced with weapons, the one who recorded the video warned him about how to handle the weapon “properly”.  And that’s where the things went wrong.

Ignoring the warning of his fellow, the shooter raised the weapon to face level. A normal face-level weapon with stock would have transferred the force of the firing weapon on his shoulder, but the shotgun doesn’t have a stock.

Without the stabilization, a shotgun would be forced back into the face/body. And that’s what happened.

Right after pulling the trigger, the weapon forced back right in his face leaving him whimpering and crying. It’s not shown on the video what was the damage on his face, but he will think twice next time before using any kind of weapon.

Watch the video on Youtube here.