Yoga Streak Day 200!

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
Yay! Today is day 200 of my yoga streak and I celebrated by doing the Advanced Combination class with my Yoga Studio app after a 4 mile run at home. Hip hip hooray!
After my class I asked darling daughter to take a picture of me trying to do the crane pose again. Her response was priceless. "Mom, you aren't old enough to do this! I can't take a picture! You can't hold it long enough!"
My first thought, ummm....I feel too old to do this pose but yet, I wanted to give it a try. I didn't practice this pose nearly as much as I would have hoped to during my three week vacation. So I got into position and gave it a try and was surprised on how "easy" it felt to get myself up and yes, I held it. The longest ever. Darling got headless photos and blurry photos so we gave it another try. She said she was shivering since she was cold. Hmmm....

The second attempt worked like a charm again with me getting into position and her taking photos that had me with my head and not a blurry mess. Yay!
To further celebrate today's milestone it was nice to go back and reflect on what I learned after 100+ days of yoga. All those lessons still hold true to me but what gets me the most today is how yoga can still be so challenging and rewarding each and every day. It is definitely a great part of my life and dear hubby agrees! He doesn't always agree running daily is as beneficial to me but I know it is. 
On a final note, I want to take a moment to list the poses I highlighted in pre-scheduled posts during my vacation. This yoga series talked about the benefits of a few poses and I provided some of my own personal insights. One driving factor for me sharing this series was I wanted to show yoga from a real perspective - a running mom giving it a try versus a super flexible yoga expert. I would love to hear from y'all on what you think in terms of is this something worth carrying on with? The sharing of yoga poses and information, not the yoga. The yoga is on for 200 more days and beyond!
Yoga Poses:
Ear Presssure Pose
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for my daughter.
Daily Affirmation: I have a wonderful sense of humor.