Yevgueni: Welkenraedt

Posted on the 11 November 2011 by Hctf @hctf

Pop band Yevgueni are quite popular in Flanders and are now trying to win over The Netherlands. Their fourth album Welkenraedt, named after a village in the east of Belgium is once more filled with storytelling songs about Joe Average. Lead singer Klaas Delrue has the careful phrasing that shows his theatrical roots.

It is a clean cut outfit, with a soft swinging repertoire a la Stef Bos. Once they turn it up a little, influences of Frank Black in his Teenager of The Year phase are adamant, but their main influence is Raymond van 't Groenewoud, Flanders most renowned native tongue singer and lyricist. They lack his sense of humor however. A bit of comic relief and a bit more rock could take them out of the teenage girls fanbase niches.

Welkenraedt is released through Petrol.

  1. Propere ruiten
  2. Was er maar iemand
  3. Welkenraedt
  4. Sneeuwman
  5. Elisa
  6. Verder zonder haar
  7. Veel te mooie dag
  8. Zalige zot
  9. Lege handen
  10. Hofstraat
  11. Robbie en de aftocht

Video: Yevgueni - Welkenraedt

Live dates:
  • 12/23 GC De Pit, Buggenhout, Belgium
  • 01/07 OC Leieland, Ooigem, Belgium
  • 01/14 CC Ter Vesten, Beveren, Belgium
