Yet Another Sunday Walk….. A Few Weeks Overdue

By Emilybeatrice @emilybeatrice

In general we make an effort to get out every Sunday, but with new jobs, lack of clean washing and tbh, a bit of laziness, we have neglected our tradition for nearly a month…. Last week we actually went scouting at the local boot sale instead…love April because they all start up again

But,  today, for May,  we decided it had been far too long, and we set off for Drogo (National Trust). We haven’t been yet this Spring and it was so lovely to see the flowers out and the building looking so much closer to completion…. 

We don’t normally use the cafes, because our day ends up costing too much, but today we decided to treat ourselves to some hot-chocolate and scones in the garden area also.


The day started a bit hectic and despite requesting H do her hair and put on her wellies, we rushed out the house without double checking, only to arrive and discover she had not done either…. It turns out, heading upstairs to get some socks was far too much effort and she opted instead for summer pumps…. Cue argument…. Sulking and tween attitude for the first hour….  Luckily she perked up, despite v cold feet and enjoyed the rest of the visit…. Juggling the needs of toddlers and a tween is difficult…. She is starting to resist our walks and this is somthing I’m finding tough… I think we need to think of new ways to engage her so she doesn’t feel left out, ideas on a post card please! 

Enjoy our foray into May