That is one of my Perpetual Spinach plants. The slugs are obviously partial to a bit of spinach, because many of the leaves have been stripped right down to the mid-rib:
Strangely enough, the slugs have gone for the bigger, outer leaves, and the nice fresh young ones in the crown of the plants are untouched. Very odd.
Nearby there are some Cabbage seedlings. Fortunately they don't seem to have been nearly so badly attacked.
There are some rather bigger cabbages in the next bed too, and they are OK as well, and beginning to form hearts.
The nearby endives are untouched. I never get slug damage on endives.
The other garden pests seem to have packed it in for the Winter. The Whitefly on the Brussels Sprouts are few and far between now, thank Goodness, and there seem to be very few aphids now. My PSB will be glad of that!