Yankee Candle Votives

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
Yankee Candle votives
The lovely Rianna over at London-Wardrobe recently posted about some new Yankee purchases and I thought why not follow suit and rave about these little votive samplers! You'll know that I've fallen in love with burning candles and the many scents of Yankee make it such a lovely experience every time. Honestly, I blame my job for this new addiction as the shop that I work in has a Yankee stand, so lovely smells + staff discount = a lot of candle purchases! Lately I've been loving the small votives as you can try out plenty of the scents at a fraction of the price of a jar or tumbler, although I haven't actually been burning them as they each leave such a lovely smell in my room while still in the wrappers. Sparkling Lemon has quickly become one of my favourites as it just smells like lemonade (which just so happens to be my favorite drink too)! Pink Dragon Fruit gives off a lovely tropical fruit scent and I'll admit that the color of it also had me sold as I seem to have a thing for anything pink lately. The final votive that I've been loving is the Vanilla Frosting scent from the Yankee Candle Simply Home range which can be found in Asda. This and a few other scents were on offer for just £1 so of course I had to snap this baby up, and I'm not kidding when I say that it smells of cake. Although it does make me wish I could be eating lots of cake which isn't good for the diet, it's definitely one of my favourites right now! Which candle scents have you been loving lately?