Xmas Gift Inspo

By Candyfairy

~ C h r i s t m a s    G i f t    I n s p o ~ 

Hands up if you have not started your Christmas shopping, or even thought about it allthat much because your life is just too busy already? (I mean, where do these cray cray festivepeople even get the time to put up their tree already?!)
Well, this describes me in a nutshell! Who knows if I'll even get Christmas cards out thisyear. Somehow time always seems to slip away and I end up posting them frantically on xmaseve! Pointless right? >_<
So, with everything 'Christmas' being thrown in my face everywhere I look lately, it got methinking.... I should start thinking about what I am going to gift everyone and make a list!
Than I had a lightbulb moment! (Yes, totally shocking, let me tell you!)
Wouldn't a subscription box make the perfect gift?!I think so and let me tell you why...
1.) There are plenty to choose from!Beauty, fashion, food, pets, eco, mens, babies, kids, etc!There is something for everyone, even those annoying people who have everything!
2.) They're affordable!You can purchase just one box or a whole years worth!
3.) Everybody loves fun mail!
4.) Each box is a surprise!
5.) If you are on the receiving end and don't like what's in the box, it doesn't matterbecause you haven't wasted your money, but still got the experience! 
Subscription Boxes I recommend!

Is this something you'd like to receive or would give as a gift?Which are your favs?

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