WWW Wednesdays #15

By Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books

It's time for this week's WWW Wednesdays, hosted by Should Be Reading blog (head over and check them out!).
This link up asks three questions
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What do you think you'll be reading next? 
Here are my WWW answers!
What am I currently reading?

I actually haven't started a new book since Grasshopper Jungle because I've been super busy, but I've had this sitting on my bedside table for ages and I think I'm going to give it a try next!
What did I recently finish reading?

I finally finished the bug book! It's been a very busy couple of weeks, what with illness and a work event that had me working all weekend, but I managed to fit in some reading time, and I have now finished this alarmingly green tome! Full review to come, but it's definitely unique and one of the most interesting reads I've experienced in a while!
What do I think I'll be reading next?

I was going to pick this up right after Grasshopper Jungle, but I feel like it's going to involve more emotions and stuff than I really want to get into at the moment. So I'm postponing it in favour of a bit of a lighter read. But it's still right up there on the ole TBR list! 
Now it's your turn! Share your recent reads in the comments - and don't forget to link up with the original post (and share a link in the comments) if you wrote your own WWW Wednesday!