Www Wednesday | #26

By Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books

It's time for this week's WWW Wednesdays, hosted by Should Be Reading blog (head over and check them out!).
This link up asks three questions
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What do you think you'll be reading next? 
Here are my WWW answers!
What did I recently finish reading?

Cold Comfort Farm - I loved this book. It didn't take long to get through, but it was one that I know will stick with  me. There's something calming and comforting about a capable British woman creating an orderly life.
Kissing: A Field Guide - You might not realize it, but you're missing out. Kissing isn't just a way of getting things started - if done right, it can be an art form. There's a lot of fun ideas and tips in these pages, and it'll definitely make you want to spend more time in a liplock!
Self-Inflicted Wounds - Hilarious. Seriously, hilarious. I enjoyed every moment of reading this book. I really related to Tyler as she drew herself, and by the end of the book I felt like I'd made a new friend. Which is pretty much the best thing you can hope for from a memoir. If you need a giggle, read this.
What am I reading now? 

I just started this because I've been meaning to read it and because the heat here has reminded me that summer has officially ARRIVED. And it's one I was planning to read in the summer. So, perfect. I don't think it'll take long - it's quite a slim book, but I think I'll enjoy it. So far the writing is really drawing me in. 
What do I think I'll be reading next?

I don't know. I never know. Maybe this one. But then again, maybe not.
What about you guys? What did you just finish? What are you reading now - and what's coming up next?