By A Mused Blog @Amusedblog
 Currently I am running on 22.5 straight hours of being awake. It's incredible. I hit the ground running (figuratively of course) at 2am this morning and I haven't slowed down until this very moment. I am currently at the WWDMAGIC Trade Show here in Las Vegas. Ever since my very first fashion internship back in 2008, I have been dying to attend. So imagine my excitement when received an email confirming my press pass!

At Darling

ENK Oasis with Whitney Port

At Lush

With Harlee and Megan at Willow & Clay

This post should actually be titled "WWDMAGIC Day 1, but not really because there are so many photos and stories to tell, that I'd never get any sleep if I tried." I'll post more details soon!So excited for tomorrow's adventures!