Write Effective Blog Content Ideas Tips and Tricks

Posted on the 29 January 2017 by Lifecoachbloggers

In order to verbally communicate effectively, you should use both content and structure--also called function--words of the language. Examples of effective blog content ideas to make your blog effective and efficient, SEO friendly and towards a focused niche

SETS mnemonic quickly lists different types of English words:

Blog Content Ideas Examples

  1. Structure words
  2. Emotional words (content words)
  3. Technical words
  4. Signature words

Structure/Function Words is English Grammar

Though structure words are not as important as emotional words or technical words, one should learn the structure words that arranges a language through English grammar, sentence organization and paragraph structure as it acts as a skeleton of a language.
Some of the examples of structure word choice: In, at, or, and, nor, is, am, by, with, above, around, behind, on, if, even, either/or, neither/nor.

Emotional Words bring Human Feelings

As the name suggests, words such as happiness, excitement, enthusiasm, charisma, love, tenderness are some examples of emotional words which adds color to a language. Emotional words are yet another set of content words.

Technical Words are Content Words

From business emails to customer query, a song to a novel, a telemarketing script to a television script, technical words--also called content words--are those important key words that related to the topic of discussion. In fact, these words are specific to that subject without which the topic cannot be comprehended.
Examples of top five content words related to the topic Email would include cc, to, bcc, out of office, and outlook. In addition words like read receipt, mail merger, send, and receive are other important related content words.

Signature Words are Writer Secrets

Many writers preserve, repeat and explore these words and it is difficult to identify these signature words unless the author reveals his/her signature words. These words and expressions also include idioms and phrases.
Besides non-verbal communication skills, verbal communication plays equal role during human-human communication and interpersonal interactions. Whether you are giving a presentation speech or trying to resolve a conflict or trying to persuade someone, words are so important to build interesting human relationships. This simple acronym, SETS, can come handy anytime you'd like to recall the set of content and structure (function) words in a jiffy.
by following the above mnemonic your blog content will more creative, effective, efficient, SEO friendly and have a focused niche.