Wrap It Up!

By Pinkandpolished
T minus 4 days until Christmas and I'm..... completely unprepared!!! Oh boy.

Well I can't say completely, my shopping is all done but I have absolutely zero things wrapped. Ugh I despise wrapping, I mean what's the point of taking all the time to wrap something when a few days later someone is just going to rip it off? And no one likes just getting bags for Christmas! Bah! But they do look so pretty all wrapped in different colors and lined up in pretty rows. *sigh* I guess I've got a lot to work to do when I'm finished this! Wrapping is such a pain but it much easier to do on your nails! Check out this design ;)I started with a base of OPI This Gown Needs Crown on all of my nails. I painted the boxes using red and green acrylic paint and Maybelline Color Show Bold Gold for the little one at the top. I painted the bows using dark red acrylic paint and China Glaze Con-Fused?. A layer of top coat and the design was done! 

I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! I should be off to wrap but instead I'm going to go brave the crowds at the mall! Wish me luck LOL! ;)Thanks loves :)