Workout Wednesday - Power Up Circuit

By Laurenegeorge
Happy Workout Wednesday,
I hope everyone is having a great week so far! For this week's Workout Wednesday, I wanted to share with you the workout I did on Monday. It only takes 25 minutes and my hamstrings are still screaming today!
Workout Wednesday - Power Up Circuit
Try to get in as many sets as you can in 25 minutes with good form. Feel free to take a quick rest whenever you need to or if you feel your form starting to go slack. Then pick right back up where you left off. I used dumbbells for the deadlifts and bicep curls and a piece of tubing looped around our weight rack for the rows. You could definitely do the rows with dumbbells as well if you prefer. Enjoy!
So I'm afraid little bit has started teething. She is a little more fussy than usual, drools constantly, and freaks out if she doesn't have something in her mouth at all times. I looked up yesterday to find her trying to fit both fists in her mouth at one time. Poor baby! Any and all advice on how to make it easier on her is greatly appreciated!
 Workout Wednesday - Power Up Circuit
I don't know about you, but it is definitely harder to get motivated to workout during the colder months. Maybe it's because it gets dark so early, I just want to cuddle up with my electric blanket, or let's face it, we get to wear more forgiving clothes. Whatever it is, I have to give myself a quick kick in the booty from time to time to stay on track. I like to remind myself that sure, a workout could wait until tomorrow. However, I only get one TODAY so I should always try to make it count as much as possible! Sometimes you just have to give yourself a little pep talk while hiding from the cold under the covers at 5 AM!
 Workout Wednesday - Power Up Circuit
How are you going to make this wonderful Workout Wednesday count?
In health,