I hope you all are having a fabulous and sweaty week so far! For today's Workout Wednesday, I wanted to share five of my favorite at home workouts with you (these can all definitely be done at the gym as well). They are all total body workouts that should take 35 minutes or less and give you a killer workout!
First up, is a traditional circuit workout using resistance tubing and your own body weight. Each circuit contains an upper body exercise, lower body exercise, and cardio burst to get your heart rate up. Repeat each circuit 3x's before moving on to the next.
Next up, is a dumbbells only circuit. This workout is great to do at home or while traveling because all you need is a set of dumbbells. You'll perform 12 reps of each exercise and repeat the circuit as many times as you can in 25 minutes.
This one is a doozy!! Fifty reps of each exercise will have your huffing and puffing in no time. I loved this one because 1) it was hard, 2) I was sore the next day, and 3) it was fun to bust out of the 12 reps of everything rut!
Ladder Down was another great rep rut busting workout. You start with 25 reps of each exercise and then ladder down to 5 reps of each workout. All you need is your own body weight for this one, so no excuses!
Last but not least, is my beautiful friend the kettlebell! If I had to be stuck on a deserted island with just one piece of equipment, I think I would take the kettlebell. This total body circuit workout will hit every major muscle group in your body and most of the minor ones in no time. Be prepared to feel it the next day!
Linking up for Workout Wednesday and Wild Workout Wednesday!
Are you a gym kind of person or an at home exerciser?
If you go to the gym, weight room or group fitness class?
In health,