In the time I spent in Rwanda, I was mostly with "the ladies" as I call them. I'm sure that you have seen Fair Trade websites or you've seen the African Baskets sold at Earth Fare or Whole Foods. Most of these are made by women in "cooperatives". They come together a couple of times a week and make goods by hand. Each country has a trade or craft of their own and Rwanda is known for it's necklaces made out of calenders.
They also make clothing and baskets
During the week, we visited 3 different cooperatives
I learned so much from these women and value the experience I had very much. I can't really put into words how much this experience changed me as a person. I loved meeting them so much and I want them to be successful so I have decided to bring back some of their necklaces to try to sell them.
Please let me know if you'd like to buy any of these necklaces or if you'd just like to donate money. These women use the money to feed their families, to buy health insurance which only costs $5 a year, one is saving up to go to college, etc.
I realize times are tough but I promise that by giving, you will receive ten fold. Many religions support that argument, and I believe that when the Bible talks about tithing, it does NOT just mean giving money to your church, but also to help those in need. That is more of a Catholic concept than Protestant but let's remember that these people are not giving up lost opportunities, they are doing the best they can with what they have. Some of the women walk 2 hours every day to come to the cooperative meeting place, work for several hours, then go back home to care for their family. Any help would be appreciated greatly by these women.
Please contact me if you'd like to give or if you'd like to buy a necklace.