I got to confess, as much as I got blue yesterday with missing my Dad and my family on the mainland I am super excited this morning. How can't I be with a darling 5 year old at home waiting anxiously for my work day to end so we can make reindeer food! Now that is the life!
There are other good things in the mix as well and today I want to share the Women Helping Women 5K/10K that was hosted here on Maui to raise funds for those victims of domestic violence. For some reason this cause resonated with me this year deeply. When I saw the race posted and its cause I had to register. Not doing so wasn't an option. This I wanted to support and I intend to do so in future years but now that light is burning more brightly. The cause is great and the run was beyond amazing.
There were maybe 100 runners that showed up for the 5K and 10K and yes, the age range was broad with some kiddos there too. I can't wait to do my daughter's first 5K with her but baby steps. Next on our family racing plate is her mile run at the start of January. You can read about my family running for causes HERE. Anyhow, back to women helping women.
My goal was to run and have fun. I wasn't racing per se since it was just two weeks post Honolulu Marathon and in all reality, I still am feeling mighty proud of my new PR. I had nothing to prove. But I didn't like how heavy my legs were feeling during the start of my little 10K. Come on Erica, you just ran a marathon, this is a piece of cake! What are your legs whining about? My Nike GPS nicely chimed in that my first mile was completed in 8'19". Oh! That explains it! That is mighty fast for me. Easy does it, enjoy the run, have fun. It didn't take long for me to start seeing those speedy 5K runners coming back to me even with my second mile being in 8'02". Oh my! They are on their return and I haven't got to their turn yet! But no stress, I know how fast those leaders are and I am deeply impressed...and by the way, they are super nice too! You can see Matt's blog HERE. He's fast!
Close to the three mile mark my legs started feeling less heavy and more like my legs. My third mile was done is 8'05" and then it was time to start heading back. I had received some words of encouragement on the way to the turn and those mixed with smiles made me want to do the same on my way back. I did. It is nice to run hard, run fun, and spread some happy vibes. Try it someday at a race. You never know what you words of encouragement may do for someone else.
And it is on the return that my running mind changed a bit too. I saw a runner I know in front of me who has an amazing running history here on Maui. I decided to try to catch up to him. My fourth mile was my fastest at 7'46". Somewhere in my fifth mile, if I remember correctly, I passed him (my pace was 7'47"), and I set my eyes on the next guy in front of me. And trust me, I was determined if that guy I just passed started passing me again I would try to stick by his side. I knew if I did, I would be happy with my time. I was getting tired but not dying. I did my final mile in 7'54" and my official time was 49'39". I was the 5th women to finish the 10K. Cool! You can see the full race results HERE.
Now let's get chatting! What causes do you support with your running? I would love to hear what is out there all around the world!
Happy Christmas Eve once again!
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for children.
Daily Affirmation: I see the silver linings in life.