Nervous around women? In an interaction, whoever is picturing the other person naked has the upper hand.There is a reason experts advise doing this to ease the fear of public speaking. Plus, it will turn you on. Even Better!
File this one under really bad advice. Guys who tell you to picture the girl you like taking a huge dump to make you more comfortable. This advice is ass backwards. Your greatest weapon for getting the girl you want is being turned on by her, not repulsed.
You can try to be interesting, but isn't it easier to just be interested in her? The tricky part is doing it without coming off ass a needy kiss ass.
Speaking of needy, why when a girl is attracted to a guy and she gets all giggly and talks loud it looks so cute. But when a guy gets nervous around a hot girl it looks really creepy.
You can still be slightly aloof and a challenge without being a dick. Don't be mean and never break rapport. Just because a girl has some interest in you doesn't mean you won't screw it up. A lot of 60 Method is about NOT screwing it up. Breaking rapport and acting disinterested is screwing it up.
You know you are cool, but do you have cool mannerisms? How do you walk, talk, sit, stand and don't forget facial expressions.
The ability to walk away from mediocre interest (to save time) and go back to NO interest is a very underrated skill in seduction.
Tests. Knowing the difference when to use silence/deadpan and when to use genuine/humble/comfort. Most of the times it's silence/deadpan. But if testing continues you will want to use genuine/humble at least once.