Woman in Leadership Success Show Podcast: 31 Marketing Tactics You Can Apply Now with JP Jones (Episode #017)

Posted on the 14 January 2014 by Stacie Walker Stacie @staciewalker

Are you ready to ramp up your marketing strategies for you business? Special guest JP Jones will share her successful marketing secrets and more on the Woman in Leadership Success Show Episode #017.  

If you have a question about something not mentioned below, please contact me on the Woman in Leadership Facebook Page. 

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JP Jones wears many hats.

Among them are graphic designing, web designing, social media marketing, teaching, book publishing, blogging and writing.

The author of "Market Yourself: A Beginner's Guide to Social Media" and “31 Days of Marketing” JP is the owner of Paige1Media and Paige1Publishing, a graphic design firm and publishing company that work with domestic and international clients on projects ranging from basic logo development to magazine and book design.

She is also the co-founder of Collipsis Web Solutions, LLC. which handles Web Design and Development for clients around the world. Jones has also served as an adjunct instructor at Oral Roberts University, teaching classes for the Communications Department.

Jones has had the honor of winning over 180 awards for her design and promotions work over the years. Jones has been designing professionally for over 10 years and immerses herself in the current trends and technologies emerging in the industry.

Staying on top of technology is her job. Teaching it to others is her passion.

List of Links for JP Jones:

Twitter: @Paige1Media

Websites: http://www.MarketYourselfTheBook.com 




Current Books Available by JP Jones:  

“If you’ve avoided the prospect of marketing your product in the past, fear no more! In her book, 31 Days of Marketing, JP Jones unmasks thirty one different aspects of marketing that can be applied immediately — one day at a time...For each marketing tactic, Jones shares practical advice and information in bite-size pieces for you to incorporate into your advertising strategies.”  Excerpt from http://www.31daysofmarketing.com/

 Click Here to Order 31 Days of Marketing on Amazon Today!

"Market Yourself: A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media explores all the big dogs of social media, breaking down each account into an understandable and easy to manage marketing tool. You’ll learn how to set up accounts, how to manage your subscriptions, effectively communicate with your peers, and determine which channels are appropriate for you."  Excerpt from http://www.marketyourselfforbeginners.com/

Click Here to Order Market Yourself on Amazon Today!

Announcements for Episode #017: 

  • Upcoming Guests - Jeff Steinmann on episode #018 
  • Get updates about upcoming guest experts and pertinent show notes for all podcast episodes by following me on Twitter: @WILSuccessRadio. You can even chat with me in real time on Twitter. I would love hearing from you:) 

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As a bonus, you can promote your website or blog before you ask your question. All episodes are created from your suggestions, feedback, and questions.  

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