WLW | Workout Routine

By Obviousleigh @Obviousleigh

So today I am talking about my workout routine for the whole week. It's taken me a while to decide what works for me and doesn't. What I wanted to achieve was one of the hardest deciding factors. Yes I wanted to loose excess weight around my stomach but I also wanted a routine that wasn't a fix just for loosing weight, something I could carry on and maintain even once I was happy with how my body looked. 
After researching loads I knew I wanted something Cheap and quick - Being a mom and working I kinda ruled out the idea of a gym (no time + an extra bill) So a workout I could do at home and still be just as beneficial as paying £30 a month towards a gym was the way to go. Next thing I researched was lots and lots of different workout DVDs, This kind of got annoying as I wanted something less disciplined so I could switch up different exercises if I wanted to etc. (although I still love Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred) 
I have been loving following different women on Instagram & Youtube that all love HIIT Workouts (High Intense Interval Training) HIIT workouts are cardio, abs and strength and an all in one whole body workout. (Just like the 30 day shred) Cardio to burn the fat whilst abs and strength are getting worked hard. There are so many different exercises you can do within this category that you are never stuck for choice if you ever want to change something up. From my previous post you can see I love the HIIT and healthy blog HERE. She offers free workouts that she has created plus shows you how to do each exercise and also shows alternatives so you can do them in the house. 
From doing my research I have come up with a workout that is perfect for me to do at home yet very challenging (no one said it would be easy). I do this everyday for 5 days a week, take one or two rest days. Then I like to change it up on one day, I might do another HIIT workout from hiitandhealthy or Level 2 on Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. 
My workout consists of:10 Jump Lunges10 Burpees10 Jump Squats20 Sit Ups20 Mountain Climbers20 Calf Raises30 Russian Twists30 Jumping Jacks 30 High Knees 1 Minute Plank (Repeat 3X)
I hope this helps you out as it took me a while to figure out what I wanted to achieve I tried countless workout DVDs and I found this way to work for me a quick 15-20 mins everyday suits me fine. Remember you can switch this up to suit yourself. What is your routine? Leigh xo