“Without a Doubt, Definitely the Best Decision I Have Ever Made”

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1
Before and after

Before and after

Weight loss on LCHF – even if it’s 121 lbs (55 kg) in eight months – is often just a welcome bonus. Emmy Frisk knows this. She emailed me her story, and what a story:

The Email

Hi! I feel like sharing my story with you.

When I was younger, I was a healthy and happy girl of normal weight. But when I was 12 years old I was hit by epilepsy. I quickly turned into a different person. Due to the frequent seizures (often several times a week) and more medications with very difficult side effects, I became a girl who was constantly depressed, tired, and I gained a lot of weight. For eight years I lived my life in a tangible darkness, and completely without energy or joy of living.

In early 2014 I was told by my doctors that there was nothing more they could do for me, and that they had tried everything to stop the seizures. They said the only thing I could do was to hope that the seizures would disappear with time. At that time I was having seizures 3–4 times a week. I was quite overweight and because I was in such poor shape I couldn’t work either. In addition, this unsustainable situation had already brought me to a suicide attempt, and I knew that if there were no improvement soon, I’d make a second attempt.

I decided to take things into my own hands, and thought that at least I could try to lose some weight. In late February (8 months ago), I started to eat LCHF. Without a doubt, absolutely the very best decision I have ever made! Already in the first week my seizures disappeared. By 3 months on LCHF, I had phased out all drugs and was still seizure free. Today I’ve lost 121 pounds (55 kilo). I’m not taking any drugs, and I finally became that happy, healthy girl full of energy again. As long as I stick to LCHF, I don’t notice my disease at all and I don’t run out of energy.

Imagine that something as simple as reducing the amount of carbohydrates gave me my life back, and experiencing this journey has also made me grow a lot as a person. The plan now is to study to become a diet counselor, and I hope to help others in a similar situation.

I also want to thank the Diet Doctor for inspiring and great posts.

Sincerely, Emmy Frisk

Emmy Frisk, 20 years old. Please feel free to publish name and picture.

Earlier on epilepsy

“The Verdict Was Medication for At Least 10 Years”

How a Diet Change Can Free People from Epilepsy


LCHF for Beginners

How to Lose Weight

“Your Best Carbohydrate Level Is the One You’re Happiest on Without Weight Gain”

LCHF Made Lindha Half the Woman She Used to Be

More health and weight success stories


Do you have a success story you want to share on this blog? Send it (photos appreciated) to andreas@dietdoctor.com. Let me know if it’s OK to publish your photo and name or if you’d rather remain anonymous.