Witch Anti Blemish Tinted Moisturiser

By Iheartmexo @iheartmexoxo
Hello my lovelies :)
Hope everyone is having a great Sunday :)
I have been meaning to do little review for this product. So here goes :)
I really like Witch skincare products especially their skincare line, obviously, as it's especially created for oily/combination skin types/ for those who have blemish prone skin.
My skin can be amazing at times which is amazing haha but sometimes it's a disaster! And because of this I have to be really careful as to what to put on my face. So when I got this I was really quite excited that this tinted moisturiser is aimed for blemished skin types as well as it being a tinted moisturiser. I am a complete tinted moisturiser and BB cream girl. I have foundations but I hardly end up using them! My all time favourite tinted moisturiser is actually the one by ELF which is like £1.50. Its actually really good!

This product is available in 3 shades, light, medium and dark. I got mine in medium 02 which is slightly darker than my skin tone but it works.
When I squeezed some out on my hand it was really dark and I kinda just knew that this is not my shade but its very close and it almost adjusts into your skin.
It claims to mattify the skin which it does after its completely dry. You need a very small amount to start with and just blend that. The texture of this product is very soft and smooth which means that it blends very nicely.  It gives a decent amount of coverage as well as letting your skin breath. None of that 'heavy' feeling on the skin which is a big plus for me cause I really can't stand that. That usually happens when I use foundation and within 15 mins I have to take it of. Any of you guys experience this? No? Just me then I guess!
Its also oil free which is also great as it eliminates the very annoying shine factor as well having witch hazel extracts in it which helps clear up any bacteria on your skin (Duh Hareem). I really like the fact that it doesn't have any fragrance to it. On my skin it lasts a fairly good amount of time for a tinted moisturiser and it gives a very nice smooth natural finish.

This is the first ever cosmetic product I have tried by Witch and the experience has been really good.
 I really really want to try their primer and BB cream. REALLY! I tested the primer out in Superdrug and it felt really nice.
Have you tried the witch anti blemish tinted moisturiser?
I wanna know :)
Hareem x