Winter Beauty Favorite | Deep Cleansing Pore Strips

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn

I hope you guys are all having a wonderful winter season so far.

It’s pretty crazy to think that Christmas is already over, and Valentines day is coming up.

For the month of January, one of my ultimate New Years resolutions has been to try and open up to new beauty products. When you’re use to using the same products for years, especially when it comes to beauty, you’re always just a little hesitate to open up, and try new products.

This week, I tried Biore’ Deep Cleansing Pore Strips.

 To my surprise, these pore strips worked really, really well. Pain-free, and very easy to use.

All you basically have to do is, make sure that your skin is wet in the area of where you are going to use the pore strip, or else the strip won’t stick to a dry area of skin.

Uncover the plastic off of the strip, and place the pore strip over the wet area of skin for about 10-15 minutes.

The pore strip should harden within those minutes, and then you just gently peel off the strip slowly.

Although, you may not see that you have clogged pores, these Biore Deep Cleansing Strips get rid of all oils that you’re unable to see, and deep down into your pores.