Wing Dust Polish Fairy Blind Swatches

By Philamazan @philamazan
Wing Dust Polish Fairy Blind swatches

 Have you ever clicked swatches of a polish so pretty that you completely lost track of time?Fairy Blind is one such glitter top coat from WingDust Collections.

Wing Dust Polish Fairy Blind swatches


It has a very light gray holographic base with lots and lots of pastel blue,purple,emerald green and peach pentagonal glitters.There are scattered specks of deep pink round glitters.The amazing thing about this shade is that the color changes with different lighting.I have used 2 coats to acheive the desired look.On the ring finger,i made a heart with the glitter on a black matte base inspired by the upcoming valentine's day.
Right now WingDust Collection is having sales on the previous editions to make room for the new ones.You can check out her etsy shop HERE.FACEBOOK PAGE HERE

Wing Dust Polish Fairy Blind swatches
Wing Dust Polish Fairy Blind swatches

with flash light.