“Will I Never Eat Certain Foods Again?”

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Are there certain foods that I can never eat again? How do I best figure out my portion size on keto? How can I keep losing weight when on a plateau and struggling with anxiety?

These and other questions are answered this week by our food-addiction expert, Bitten Jonsson, RN:

Is it realistic to say there are certain foods I will never eat again?

First, I was so excited to read your profile. I KNOW I'm an addict and even attended Overeaters Anon. Nothing ever worked because every food plan allowed me to eat my trigger foods. I've always felt like an alcoholic, but my alcohol is wheat and sugar. Now I know, I'm not nuts. Like a drug addict, I feel I need to say, "absolutely never!" to certain things, but people keep telling me that's not reasonable or feasible.


Hi Elaine, you are right and they are wrong.

It is true that if we are sugar/flour addicts, there are food's we can never eat without going back in our addiction and be sicker and develop more severe consequences in time such as diabetes type 2, depression, overweight, fatigue foggy brain, and much more. Addiction is a chronic and progressive disease.

I say that trying to explain this to the ones that are a) still active addicts in denial, defending their drug, b) the ones that do not have this illness at all and therefore will never understand "cravings" and loss of control due to how the drug affects our reward system, and maybe c) the ones that speak for the sugar/flour industry is like explaining red to a color blind. It's futile.

I suggest that you join our support group on Facebook and learn more about this. Under files there are links to Ketogenic Recovery Anonymous, an online meeting with our food plan. I agree that some 12-step programs still have "food plans" with "drug food" and do not, or will not, agree with the disease concept.

Welcome, Bitten

Portion size

Hi - I am on keto and trying to maintain. When I look at the recipes I get very excited as they all look delicious. However, when I look at a serving size I realize how very small they are and that I end up eating 2 servings to feel satisfied which then takes away my 20 carb allotment. Does anyone else struggle with this? Any guidance?


Hi Maura,

I say that when eating keto we use the same "fuel" but the "fuel mix" and amount might be different as we arre biochemically unique. Many struggle with this and if you are a sugar addict, I assume since you ask me, it might be that you are also an "overeater". That is a very common problem. It is usually a side effect of the sugar addiction per see and might also be increased tolerance. That means that in time our illness progress and we need more sugar/flour to feel the effect and that means an increased amount of food. Then we don't feel satisfied unless eating large amounts. So the overeating may be a problem that needs to be dealt with too.

What I do recommend is to slowly decrease the amount of food and in finding your food plan increasing protein and fat but decreasing carbs. Today we have many trained professionals to help you with a tailored food plan and tools to stick to it. I think that is a great investment in your future health.

My best, Bitten


Hello, I started keto in Oct 2017 and lost about 26 pounds (12 kilos) to 168 pounds (76 kilos). Planned to lose 5 more pounds (2 kilos). But I have plateaued and have crept back up to 173 (78 kilos). I suffer with anxiety and have been under a lot of stress lately. I want to get back on track. Any suggestions?


Hi Betty,

Keto is a great diet for depression and anxiety but it will not resolve everything. Many of us rely on only changing our food but we also need many other tools. If you are a sugaraddict, I suggest you look into a 12-step program, there are several suggestions on my website. There you can find help with dealing with emotional/stress related problems and a list of professionals skilled in helping you make a recovery plan. My favorite anti-stress tool is conscious breathing, learn more here. Welcome to join our support group on Facebook there you will find more tool's. Keep on keeping on.

My best, Bitten

I was recently diagnosed with binge eating disorder, is it possible that it's really addiction and not BED?

Thank you for your recent response to my question about off-limit drugfoods. I will certainly look at the resources you mentioned. Now I have a follow up: I was diagnosed recently with binge eating disorder. I'm not yet on medication. However, since starting keto, thus cutting out my addictive foods, and surviving through withdrawal, I have had no binge episodes and only experience the desire to binge when I am tempted by my drugfoods. Is it possible that BED is a misdiagnosis?


Dear Elaine,

There seem to be a tremendous confusion going on in the "eating problem" world. In my world it is this simple: if it is sugar/flour addiction, BED is relapse, and they are progressive which means they get worse over time. There is a whole community out there that uses the following terminologi, eating disorder, eating addiction, overeating, compulsive overeating, restriction, bulimia, anorexia, BED, and many more "titles". I am convinced that most of that is addiction, hidden in plain sight, and the symptoms are ways someone tries to control the addiction, the loss of control over the highly addictive sugars. Very few are trained in screening, evaluation and diagnostic of sugar addiction, if you go here, you will find the ones that are certified to do that. The instrument is called SUGAR.

I believe in "abstinence-based treatment" meaning take away the drug = sugars. Many that do not have knowledge about the addicted brain, work with "moderation therapy". That is very dangerous for someone with an addiction. Before you start medication, which is an amphetamine-like pill, I suggest you contact someone I have certified and do SUGAR, or contact me. And I absolutely recommend you read Food Junkies by Dr. Vera Tarman. If you are not a member of the group Sugarbomb in your brain on Facebook, please join us.

My best, Bitten