Why You Should Always Follow Your Dreams

By Hanna

Nearing this time last year, I started getting ready to pack up all my things, leave my flat for good and travel to Nepal. I  cancelled my original flights and rebooked so as I could have four months there in summer instead of two.

This summer, I have done the same. I will pack my stuff up, move out of my house and volunteer in Uganda for three months. I never knew much about Uganda and I have never visited Africa and have no idea what to expect! But as someone who wants to change the world for others, I jumped at the chance to work with the charity Restless Development wherever they were going!

When people hear these stories, they are always amazed by my courage or my adventurous nature. But in fact, I would not describe myself with either of those terms. I am just a normal person who has dreams like anybody else. 

And that is the thing. Everybody has dreams like that. Everybody feels an adventurous side to them but the key is not to suppress it but to follow it. If you follow your dream it will change your life.

My dear friend Lauren, from English Wife Indian Life, met her husband online and within a week her asked her to marry him. She then followed him to India and they live together happily with an adorable little pug. Lauren was rightfully scared by her dream but if she did not follow it, her life could have been entirely different.

People are often mistaken that they will have time for their dreams later on in life, but that is never the case. If you don’t do it know who is to say you will start later! As soon as you start making excuses why you can’t pursue what your heart is telling you then that magic starts to die forever. As you pass through life, time goes quickly and other life choices take priority.

Most importantly, don’t worry about what could go wrong. Have faith in what the universe has in store for you. Many things could go wrong in your day to day life but that doesn’t stop you from getting out of bed in the morning. If you never try, you never know. Everything happens for a reason!

It is very simple, anyone can be what they always dreamed they wanted to be. But it takes someone special to work hard to succeed that dream.

So if you ever have an inkling where your heart tells you one thing and your brain another, listen to both but don’t regret your decision. Pursue whatever your calling is in life.

If you feel drawn to a country you have never been to before then visit it. If you feel like your not satisfied with your job then quit it. If the person you love has to go away then follow them.

Don’t mute your dreams in the face of conforming to anyone elses.

Today. let’s all challenge ourselves to do something that scares us. Let’s talk to a random person, book those flight tickets or ask your partner to marry you! Whatever it is will lead you on step close to following your dreams!

Readers – what are your experiences of following your dreams? Have you ever regretted a dream you didn’t follow? Share your stories below!