Why This Exists…

By Carnun @Carnunmp

Hey interwebs.

I’m a sixteen-year-old student with a love of science and rationality, and for a while now, the idea of posting thoughts online has been appealing. The only reason the idea has stayed an idea for so long is that I haven’t ever made the mental effort to settle on a specific topic. Inspirations of creativity were hard to find, really,  because I wasn’t looking for them…

But, today in a Religious Studies lesson at my secondary school in London inspiration hit me – and it came in the form of a hilarious beauty of a sentence from one of my peers. This sentence was passionately shouted across the room at a friend of mine (who is also big on science and rationality) during an otherwise reasonable class discussion on abortion. It went something like this:

I believe in The Bible, and you just believe in a BOOK!

You read it right. My friend was laughing to the point of tears as the rest of the class beat their chests, applauded, and screamed for the speaker – just to make a scene, of course. I did ask our friend which sole book us non-theists supposedly devote all of our time to as the rabble died down, but before he could give an answer, or indeed process the question, I received a look from my teacher that read ‘help me out here mate’ – so I let Mr.Bible be for the sake of not wasting time more of teach’s time. It all calmed down quickly after that, and went back to ‘normal’.

Up until that point the class was pretty calm and open to discussion. The outburst happened only because, I think, my friend argued his point by saying it was the most ‘rational’ way to view the two sides of differing opinion…

But I digress. What I have been meaning to say is that this one rather silly/outright logic-less sentence has allowed me to find a topic. The topic is rationalism.

These posts will be light-hearted reason-based anecdotes (or perhaps a simple chuckle at something I hear said at school on the subject) when I want them to be, and serious personal views on current affairs or general issues at other times.

I hope to write regularly and, if I can, interestingly – so fingers crossed (not that it helps). I also hope to write more each time too, but this is just the first attempt, of course…

I am looking forward to seeing this blog grow.


(Please link this to friends you think would be interested, as every extra reader means that I am further from simply talking to myself. I can do that whenever I want, and I must say it has lost its allure…)