As we were driving to the library we discussed all we needed to do - return books, get new books but no, you don't have to rush to pick them out, Mommy is going to run and do yoga, darling daughter has homework to do, pets to feed (bunny, fish, bird), lunches to make, dinner to make, showers to take, hair to braid, clothes for the next day to pick out. I commented that perhaps Mommy should just run a mile. I had four miles on the schedule but Friday was a one mile day. Perhaps switch.
We got to the library and looked around. She picked out most of her books, I picked out a couple, and then she asked about bunnies. I found the pet section for her and we found bunny books. Then upon checking out I had to update my address, etc. etc. etc.
I have so much I want and need to do each and every day. It is hard to squeeze everything into a set amount of hours and I am tired of running less just so I can do yoga. Let's say a mile takes me 10 minutes. Now add in the 15 minutes of yoga I was committed to every day. That gives me 25 minutes. In 25 minutes I could have run 2.5 miles...closer to my training goal for the day. She still wasn't convinced.
I continued. You see, I want to do yoga every day. I will still strive to do yoga every day but if a day comes by and time is pressed, it is okay to not do yoga. I will not give up my running streak. That means more to me. But letting go of the yoga streak may be just what I need to do.
Yesterday morning I woke up early, ran 2 miles, and did a 15-minute yoga class. I felt better in that class than I have in weeks. I really felt relaxed and into the class versus pressured about time. It was just how yoga should be.
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for my daughter's support.
Daily Affirmation: I know when to let go.