Why Do You Tell Your Story?

By Gran13

           laptop  I am not a professional in the field of mental health, so all I can do is tell my story from my point of view and I want  to tell it as it should be told.

  • I tell my story to make it more difficult for people to close their eyes as well as their hearts to the mental illness around them. Most oof us know someone who has some kind of brain illness
  • I tell my story in order to gain empathy for the people out there who are mentally challenged as well as to let them know that they are not alone.
  • I tell my story as I need to try and convince  people of the importance of early intervention.
  • If more of us tell our stories, somehow, the professional people out there might listen and believe.
  • No politician truly believes that he/she will gain more votes by devoting more time and money to the issue of mental illness. But, maybe that time is NOW.
  • I tell my story, the story of one family, but itnactually the story  of millions of families living with mentally ill relatives anywhere in the world from Alaska to Africa.
  • So, in my blog, I aim to tell my story in the hope that one day, there will be less stigma toward mentally challenged people in the world. If we all Speak out,  maybe some of the people out there will listen, believe, and even act on our behalf.

READ DAVID’S STORY by Jill Sadowsky.

ORDER from Amazon’s Kindle Store or on Smashwords.

Read: THE LAST CALL by Jill Sadowsky in the HIDDEN LIVES Anthology. Canada’s Brindle and Glass are now promoting this Anthology containing stories on mentally challenged people.