Why Do Women Fake Orgasms?

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Why do women fake orgasms? A new survey suggests that half of all women have faked an orgasm at one time or another. To be honest I think many were lying when they took part in the research.

We often discuss sex on the mums group and I know many  women have faked an orgasm and the main reasons seems to be they are tired and just want it over and done with or their partner just isn’t getting them that far. It can disappointing to have sex and not reach orgasm and many women fake it to so their partners don’t feel a failure in the sack. .

I asked the mums on my Facebook group – Why Do Women Fake Orgasms;

  • So that their sexual partner doesn’t become self-conscious
  • For the sake of the man’s ego
  • In my case to get him off my back as he could never do it for me
  • To get it over and done with if you can’t be bothered
  • So you don’t hurt the other persons feelings, I have never faked an orgasm though, I’ve just been honest and told him when he’s not doing things right
  • When it’s oral – to get it over with so I can get some real action. When having full on sex – so he thinks he’s pushing the right buttons and knows it’s okay for him to cum as he doesn’t want to stop till he’s pleased me

It can be difficult to sit your man down and say “You can’t make me orgasm” It’s a blow to their confidence and you may just put them off sex altogether.

It is important that your sex life is an area that you can both talk openly about and there’s nothing wrong with helping him and showing him the best ways to make you orgasm.

Before you can teach your partner, make sure you have a play yourself so you know where and how to make yourself orgasm.

We have all faked it at times I’m sure but if you’re faking it every time maybe it’s time to start changing a few things.

Sex is meant to be enjoyable and fun, so why not look at a few sex toys to spice things up, variety is the spice of life or so they say.

Plenty of foreplay is recommended to increase your chances of having an orgasm and to take time and not to rush.

Have you ever faked it?