Why Can’t African-American Women Be More Supportive?

By Shauntee @shaunteebattie

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Why Can’t African-American Women Be More Supportive?

On last Sunday, we witnessed the support of African-American actresses as Taraji P. Henson took on the role of the head cheerleader at the 2015 Emmy awards. Regina King, Uzo Aduba, and last but not least, Viola Davis took home awards for their outstanding work in various dramatic roles. As a fan of Orange is the New Black, American Crime, and How to Get Away with Murder, I felt all of these actresses deserved the awards they received. And let’s not forget the commercial with Mary J. Blige, Kerry Washington, and Taraji P. Henson for Apple music that added the icing on the cake. The commercial reminded me of the times I would hang with my friends and listen to my boom box. It was great to see African-American women being supportive of each other.

Photo Credit: Fox/Getty Images

The support these women gave each other made my heart smile. However, I’m writing about real life and the lack of sisterhood and support that everyday women like me receive. I remember having a conversation with a friend of mine when she decided to relocate to another city. I remember us speaking about women and how it’s hard to cultivate meaningful friendships and meet new people; why is that? Every time I’ve met an African-American woman she has either been mean, really competitive, or just plain rude. What happened to the time when we supported each other and yelled “You Go Girl”!

Photo Credit: Shades of Color Frank Morrison

I don’t want anyone to think that I’m some moral chick standing on a soapbox because I’m not. There were times when I had to work on myself. I had to learn to be a little kinder, a little nicer, a better listener, and more supportive.

When we need support, or we’re struggling with various issues; the first thing some of us do is pass judgment. We take the opportunity to throw salt on an already open wound. There are women who hustle and grind every day that need encouragement. What is wrong with us that we can’t say you can do it, good job, or congratulations. I’ve seen so many posts on social media from women who join Facebooks groups because they need someone to say, things will work out, and instead they were met with harsh criticism and hatred.  We can come together on social media when something happens that affects our race, but in reality, we can hardly stand each other.We are much stronger united!

I’ll take this opportunity to tell my readers, you can do it, stay encouraged, you look great, you don’t have to put up with bullshit, I like your new outfit, your hair looks great, job well done, congratulations, you rock, you’re amazing, things will work out, love yourself first, I got your back, and I appreciate you!
Someone once told me that being nice gets you no where. What do you think?

Please share your thoughts and experiences.