Whole30: Day 8

By Uwbrooke

I never knew how long a week could feel until I attempted a Whole30 in the midst of the busiest week of the year at work and the biggest party night of the year in the world.  Some of you might be wondering if I had fallen off the band wagon, as I haven’t posted a thing in the past two days.  Truth be told, it could be argued that I fell off the bandwagon in the opposite direction – I haven’t really been eating at all.  Why? Because I’ve been sleeping.  Making it through the busy season at work this year was one of the most grueling / rewarding / intense / hilarious experiences of my professional life.  I woke up on January 1, 2013 with a totally different type of hangover than I’m accustomed too – a work hangover.  Four weeks of smiling, flirting, running, and talking about steak while dolled up in a tuxedo took its toll.  So, I slept like Sleeping Beauty (minus the whole Prince Charming kissing me awake part) for two whole days, waking up only to go to CrossFit, change laundry loads, eat breakfast, or catch Les Miserables.*  And you know what? I woke up today feeling kind of amazing.  A full week of Whole30 awesomeness is under my belt and, aside from some serious whiskey cravings on New Year’s Eve, I don’t feel like I’m missing anything at all.

I’ve slept more in the past two days than I did during two full weeks of December.  Maybe I was tired or something.

Since this is a re-cap post of sorts, I’ll fill you in on what I’ve woken up to eat in the past few days:
Breakfast – zucchini fritters; eggs/sausage/banana
Lunch – butternut squash lasagna; roast chicken with root veggies
Dinner – green salad with root veggies; roasted cauliflower with leftover sweet potato cakes; roasted chicken and kale chips
Snacks – I ate a lot of trail mix on NYE and the day after, mostly because I was too busy at work / tired at home to eat anything else

I have a sprint workout scheduled for today – 20 x 50m sprints with 50 m walk-backs for recovery.  Later on, I’ll have to do an open –> close shift at El Gaucho, which means about 9 hours of on-the-feet time.

I feel kind of amazing – physically and emotionally.  I’ve been told by a few people that I look like I’ve lost weight and that I look happy (an excellent combination).  I’m not convinced about the weight-loss part, but the second observation is absolutely correct: I am seriously, deliriously happy right now.  Maybe it’s the end of the busy season, maybe it’s being surrounded by amazing people, maybe it’s the Whole30 – whatever it is, I’ll take it.


*GO SEE THIS MOVIE.  I’m no sap, but I cried at least twice.  It’s amazing.  A little long, but amazing.