Whole30: Day 3

By Uwbrooke

“There’s something telling me to do it every single day.”

I’m a huge sucker for Nike commercials.  As embarassing as it is to admit, Nike commercials make me a little emotional – very few fail to make me laugh or cry or get just a little angry.  Those marketing geniuses at Nike get me like few others do.  The video below caught my eye this afternoon, as I was sitting around in my condo willing myself not to snack on the “healthy” chocolates that a co-worker brought me yesterday.  On Thursday, I was lamenting the loss of chocolate and sweets from my diet for the next month when she chimed in, saying that she had something that I could absolutely have – there is no dairy, sugar, sweetener, or processed additives to be found in them! When she brought them in yesterday, along with a nutritional guide for them, I nearly dove in and ate the entire bag.  These chocolates are the real deal for Paleo enthusiasts… but not necessarily for those of us embarking on a Whole30.

The Whole30 is an opportunity to address emotional ties to food – why we crave sweets and snacks and fatty foods at specific times, in specific places.  Chocolate is a major comfort food for me.  To indulge in raw chocolates (a Paleo cheat for sure) would be to ignore the hows and whens of why chocolate is so important to me.  There is something telling me to complete this Whole30 – for my body, for mental clarity and to prove I have the sort of follow-through and wherewithal to get it done.  There is something telling me that I will be more emotionally aware and physically fit after thirty days than I have been in a long time.  There is something telling me that thirty days is not a long time – especially in the grand scheme of things.  Even if I’m feeling low-energy today, I know it’s temporary and that I’ll be back to my normal self in a couple of days.  Good food, lots of exercise and extra sleep will help ensure I bounce back with a vengeance.

I’ve hidden these little treats away for a day when I can enjoy them free from stress and exhaustion and boredom.  Until then, there’s always a cup of coffee to ramp me up before I toss that tuxedo on tonight.

I can’t believe I’ve slept with my door open while sleeping for so many years – I slept for 9 uninterrupted hours in complete darkness last night.  It was amazing.

Today’s workout was 20 x 100 m sprints, with walking returns to the starting point between each.  I rolled around on a foam roller for a bit before heading into work for yet another hospitality bender.

Breakfast: Banana and a sweet potato-kale cake
Lunch: Leftover curry chicken and a sweet potato-kale cake

I’d like nothing more than to cuddle up on my couch all day today.  The rain has returned and I can think of few things I’d rather do less than go to work, particularly when there’s a Boy Meets World marathon on MTV2.  I think the carb flu is settling in.
