Whole30: Day 2

By Uwbrooke

Two days in and I’ve already neglected a post.  Argh.  Truth be told, yesterday was a bit of a blur.  I spent most of it with a friend I hadn’t seen in ages before realizing that I had exactly 3 hours to workout, shower and head to Gaucho for a very long night.  I’ve laid out some pretty specific goals for this Whole30 (see below) and violating one of the major ones on day one of the program seemed like a pretty poor life choice.  So, I sprinted out of my apartment, only to return around midnight… and fall asleep immediately.

The good people at Whole30 recommend setting up some goals for the month based on their nine philosophies: Nutrition, Sleep, Stress Management, Active Recovery, Injury Rehab, Fun & Play, Personal Growth, Temperance, and Exercise.  I took some time yesterday to outline specific (but not difficult) goals that I am sure I can follow through on during the next 30 days.  They are (drumroll please)…

Nutrition: I will not eat out this month, except for steak or seafood at El Gaucho (butter and salt free!).
Sleep: I will close the door to my bedroom every night (extra dark room = extra good sleep).
Stress: I will read or journal at the end of every day.
Exercise: I will not skip a workout.
Active Recovery: I will foam roll 4-5 times a week.
Injury Rehab: Not applicable at the moment (knock on wood!).
Fun & Play: I will hang out with friends on Sundays and see my city once a week.
Personal Growth: I will finish my nutrition readings before I leave for Washington, DC.
Temperance: I will not use my iPad for gaming for 30 days.

My CrossFit gym is on a holiday schedule right now, so I woke up extremely early for an intense WOD before coming home and having a big ol’ breakfast.  I was a little tired after working out, but Seattle was uncharacteristically lovely this morning – after a week of rain and sleet and general cold, the clouds lifted a bit and the sun shone over Mt. Rainier and downtown like I haven’t seen in about a month.  There was nothing to do but head to Nordstrom.  There is nothing I’d rather skip a nap to do.

6 hours – not as much as I would like or need… but it’s what I got.

CrossFit today consisted of deadlifts at 87 kg., followed by the following WOD:
500 m row, 5 kettle bell swings, 5 burpees
400 m row, 10 kettle bell swings, 10 burpees
300 m row, 15 kettle bell swings, 15 burpees
200 m row, 20 kettle bell swings, 20 burpees
1oo m row, 25 kettle bell swings, 25 burpees
Then, I wandered around downtown for a few hours before Gaucho-ing for a few more.

Pre-Workout: Banana
Breakfast: Breakfast sausage, steamed spinach, banana, 1 Tbsp. homemade almond-pumpkin butter
Lunch: Roast chicken and root vegetables
Dinner: Butternut Squash Lasagna

Despite being pretty tired and a little sore, I was in a great mood today.  I went shopping, read a book, and ate a steak for free.  Life is good.